Okay...I finally got a few moments to upload some pictures. Last night Ashley and I got to have a girlfriend date! Our wonderful hubbies took care of the babies and let us go cheer on the Gamecocks! It was a super terrific game! Colton was wonderful and slept in Bailey's pack-n-play and didn't even wake up when we drove home and put him in bed. We didn't get home until around 1am...so needless to say, I'm tired today. I just can't hang like I used to :) We're heading to Charlotte today for Colton to visit his Aunt Michelle and Uncle Bryan and so Mommy and Daddy can have a date night. We're super dooper excited to see the Zac Brown Band tomorrow night. Colton has been smiling up a storm the last few days...Mommy is apparently really funny...duh...we all knew that! He gets cuter and cuter every day. We welcome visitors...anytime!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Colton is 2 months old
We can't believe little Colton is already 2 months old! He went for is check up and shots on Monday...it really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. He weighed 10 lbs and 13 oz and was 23 inches long. The doctor was impressed with the amount of head control Colton already has...all that tummy time is paying off nicely! He is a very healthy baby who just loves to smile at everyone and everything. He didn't cry after his first shot, but then when the second and third ones came, he realized he didn't like it at all. He only cried for a few minutes though. He's a tough little man. He is fasinated with ceiling fans and anything else that has contrast with the ceilings or walls. He is quite strong when he wants to be, especially when you're trying to pry his hands away from his mouth when it's time to eat. He has started talking to us at times...it is absolutely adorable. I'm sure one day it won't be so cute, but for now, we love it! He is sleeping pretty well at night, about 6 hours then down for another 4 or 5 after a feeding. The days aren't so predictible though. He likes to eat about every 2 or 2.5 hours during the day...getting things done between feedings is a puzzle. We promise we'll put up some new pictures soon. We just haven't taken any...sorry! He likes his swing again, thank goodness, and let's us take a break every now and then. We'll post more pics this week...I hope. We're off to Charlotte this weekend to visit Aunt Michelle and Uncle Bryan...and to see the Zac Brown Band (a birthday present for Jeremy).
Monday, September 14, 2009
Grandy's First Visit
We cannot believe Colton will be 8 weeks old tomorrow! Time has flown by. Jeremy was off all last week on paternity leave and his mom and step dad came to visit. Jeremy got strep throat and wasn't feeling too well at the end of last week. He's all better now, thank goodness! It's really hard to take care of a sick hubby and a baby at the same time! He heads back to work tomorrow...what am I going to do without all the help I've been getting? Colton loved getting spoiled by his Grandy and Pop pop! He took his first trip to the zoo...and slept the entire time. His Aunt Michelle and Uncle Bryan stopped by yesterday to visit. We figured out that he weighs around 10 lbs already. He's getting so big! We already had to put away some really cute outfits because they were too small. He's more and more alert when he's awake. We even got out his play gym and he likes looking at all the toys...he even tried to roll onto his side! I was so excited and proud! He's been finding his hands more and more, putting them in his mouth all the time. We're slowly, but surely, getting used to his schedule. At night, he sleeps for about 5 hours straight starting at about 8:30...then he gets up every 3 hours. We're looking forward to him sleeping a little more at night. We're meeting with a lady about day care tomorrow...let's cross our fingers that it works out! We're also getting a chest freezer for all the breast milk that is taking over our freezer...no more room for food. We're not complaining though!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Colton's First Trip to the Beach!
What a busy weekend! We decided to go to the beach with Gramma Leazer for the Labor Day weekend. Colton went to his very first festival...the BBQ Festival in Myrtle Beach...he was such a good boy in the big crowd. There were tons of people everywhere. He hung out by the pool on Saturday in his sun dome and put his little toes in the sand on Sunday. He wasn't too sure about the ocean and sand, but he'll learn to love it. On Monday, Labor Day, Colton got to meet his Grandy and Pop Pop all the way from Pennsylvania. Jeremy took his week off to help with the little man...we're hoping to get a lot of stuff done around the house this week.
Last week we knew Colton was on the verge of smiling at us...we were anxiously awaiting a big gummy smile. However, Gramma Leazer is the only one who's gotten the little booger to smile at her. I got a half smile once...Daddy's still waiting.
I'm getting more and more sleep. Last night we put him in his crib around 10 pm and he slept until 2:30 :) Then he got up again around 5:30. Not too bad! Jeremy got to sleep in until 11:45 this morning...so don't let him tell you he's tired today. Overall, we're still working on things...it just takes time.
He's getting really big! He has chubby little legs and a double chin! He has finally grown out of his smallest outfits. We're excited to see him growing! He's holding his head up pretty well on his own. At times he stands up with a little help...he has really strong legs. We're looking forward to catching a big gummy smile soon!
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