Monday, September 14, 2009

Grandy's First Visit

Hands taste good!
I'm trying to roll onto my side...

Mommy and Colton with the Zebras!

Grandy and Colton with his "Little Stinker" onsie!

The zoo is putting me to sleep...yawn!

We cannot believe Colton will be 8 weeks old tomorrow! Time has flown by. Jeremy was off all last week on paternity leave and his mom and step dad came to visit. Jeremy got strep throat and wasn't feeling too well at the end of last week. He's all better now, thank goodness! It's really hard to take care of a sick hubby and a baby at the same time! He heads back to work tomorrow...what am I going to do without all the help I've been getting? Colton loved getting spoiled by his Grandy and Pop pop! He took his first trip to the zoo...and slept the entire time. His Aunt Michelle and Uncle Bryan stopped by yesterday to visit. We figured out that he weighs around 10 lbs already. He's getting so big! We already had to put away some really cute outfits because they were too small. He's more and more alert when he's awake. We even got out his play gym and he likes looking at all the toys...he even tried to roll onto his side! I was so excited and proud! He's been finding his hands more and more, putting them in his mouth all the time. We're slowly, but surely, getting used to his schedule. At night, he sleeps for about 5 hours straight starting at about 8:30...then he gets up every 3 hours. We're looking forward to him sleeping a little more at night. We're meeting with a lady about day care tomorrow...let's cross our fingers that it works out! We're also getting a chest freezer for all the breast milk that is taking over our more room for food. We're not complaining though!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colton
    This is your Grandy and Pop Pop from Pennsylvania! You are such a beautiful baby and a very good boy for your Mommy and Daddy. No one could ask for a better baby! I cant believe how much you have grown since you were born! We just loved spending time with you and taking care of you everyday that we were there!
    Grandy and Pop Pop wished we lived closer so we could come and cuddle you, play with you, and just love you up all the time. Im home three days and miss you already.
    Just keep growing and be a good boy for your Mommy and Daddy.
    Love You Always xoxoxoxo
    Grandy and Pop Pop
