Wow...boy have we been a busy little family! Sorry it's been so long since we've uploaded any pictures or videos. Colton is a busy little boy. He wants to play all the time. He's only taking about two naps a day...Mommy and Daddy need more! He gets up between 6 and 7am and goes to bed around 8pm. He loves his cereal and we're looking forward to him being able to eat some "real" baby food soon. Christmas shopping with a new baby isn't exactly easy or fun. We have to shop very strategically. The other day we waited in line to see Santa for about 2 hours...sheesh! When we got there the line was closed so he could go to lunch. So, we decided to run some other errands. When we returned we realized that Santa hadn't gone to lunch yet, and the line was open. Colton and I got in line and they promptly shut it down so Santa could eat...for an hour! Luckily, we were pretty close to the front when the line opened up. I was fully expecting Colton to grab Santa's beard and pull, but he didn't. We think he was just too tired by that point. There was no screaming or crying or anything dramatic. We did get some pictures and I'll scan it in and try to upload it soon. Very cute! Colton got an early Christmas present excersaucer! Mommy and Daddy just couldn't keep up with his level of playing and he seemed to be bored with all of his toys, so off to Babies R Us went Daddy to save the day! He has been drooling nonstop all week...we sure hope those teeth come in soon! We're washing the bibs and clothes as fast as we can, but can't keep up with his drooling. Colton attended some Christmas parties and was a very good guest! We can't believe how lucky we are that he's so good wherever we seem to take him.
He seemed to pick up a little cold right before Thanksgiving and he couldn't shake it. So, Jeremy took him to the doctor last Friday. The pediatrician put him on some antibiotics and cough medicine. He seems to be better and almost back to his normal self again. I've been sick since Thanksgiving too. So, off to the doctor I went...sheesh! More antibiotics for me! Luckily, neither one of us has anything serious, but a sick Mommy + sick baby = no fun for anyone!
Colton is trying to sit up on his own quite frequently. He eats his feet and hands whenever he can. He is starting to play with his toys in the bathtub (cute!). He talks almost nonstop. He's started blowing raspberries at us...we'll try to get a's hilarious!
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