Colton had an absolute blast in Florence with my Mom and sister this past weekend. The timing was perfect because I came down with a nasty sinus infection and was in no condition to play with the little man. Luckily, that has passed (knock on wood) and we're all healthy again in the Duffy household! There was no anxiety ridden moments over the weekend. Jeremy and I enjoyed a relaxing date night where we didn't feel like we had to rush. We were so looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday...but around 7 am, we looked at each other and gave up on that pipe dream. Sunday was a different story, I think we slept until around 8 am!!!! Hooray for small miracles! We were ready to go get our munchkin. Mom and Michelle's report from a weekend with Colton...he ate every 2 hours!!!! Apparently, he is either going through a growth spurt or he's making up for being sick last week. Overall, he was a very happy boy at Gramma's house. He enjoyed all his new toys and new tricks he learned from Aunt Michelle!
Colton has been a very busy boy! This evening, he got up on all fours and thought about crawling (enter gasp of horror!). Jeremy and I agree that we can wait on mobility! Luckily, he didn't do anything except fall over :) He's been eating like a champ. So I think it's safe to say that he's feeling a lot better. We haven't really had to use the nebulizer since Friday when we went back to the doctor for his check-up. Which by the way, he weighed 16 lbs and 3 oz on Friday. He got his booster Flu shot and barely cried! Atta Boy!
Sadly, I've been enjoying some of this rainy weather because that means Jeremy gets to come home early from work. When it rains, they usually don't have baseball practice and Colton gets to have someone else to play with. He has been LOVING peek-a-boo and bouncing. He enjoys it when Jeremy or I build a tower of blocks and he gets to knock them down. He is eating lots of veggies and really likes bananas (in a jar). He tried mac-n-cheese tonight and wasn't sure about it, but ate the whole jar just to make sure! I'm going to really try to take some more pics this weekend and upload them soon. He's changing everyday. His personality is really coming out. He's such a happy boy! (But who wouldn't be with me as his mom? and I guess and with Jeremy as his dad?) He's a very lucky boy...and we're super lucky that he's such a good sleeper!!!!
We went and visited our neighbors Daniel and Stephanie last night...their bundle of joy, Mia, arrived on 2/3/10. She's soooo tiny! I remember when Colton was that little, but barely! She's not as good of a sleeper as Colton, but maybe he'll rub off on her. We're looking forward to Colton having a playmate right next door.
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