Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Just call me Stitch!

So...Colton got his first stitches this week. He banged his upper lip on something at pre-school. He was a trooper through the whole thing. We weren't able to put him to sleep to get stitched up, because he had been snacking. He was given a little something to make him sleepy, and then he was wrapped up like a burrito. He barely cried for any of the shots, but cried when they were actually doing the stitching. Right after it was done, he was regular ole' Colton...flirting with the nurses and everything! We know this is probably his first of many visits to the ER, but we're hoping we don't have to do this again for a while. He made Mommy and Daddy proud for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Colton you sure are a handsome fella even
    with your first BIG battle wound. Hope you're
    feeling much better. It really looks sore!!!!
    Love you Great Nanny
