Tuesday, July 21, 2009

She definitly is a trooper!!!

It is 12:05 here at the hospital and Lisa has been in labor now for 8 hours and 36 minutes. She definitely has worked very hard, and finally had enough of natural child birth between 6-7cm...which means it has become epidural time. Things seem to be moving along a little bit faster now; Lisa and I are hoping that the epidural doesn't slow down the process!

She is still between 6-7cm, but is now 100% effaced...hopefully Colton will want to come as quickly now as he did bright and early this morning.

Once again, thanks for all your love and support!


  1. That's awesome guys. We just saw some people pull in your driveway and thought we'd check the blog. I'm assuming he's already here...hopefully! We're praying for you guys. Can't wait to meet him!!

  2. You go girl. You can do it. Keep up the hard work. It sure is worth all the hard work!!
