Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Colton's 4 weeks old today!

Here's lookin' at you kid!
Bath time isn't so bad
How do you like my new belly button?
Thanks for the awesome outfit Grandy and Pop pop! I am blowing you a kiss!

It's hard to believe that just 4 weeks ago today this little guy graced us with his presence for the first time. The weeks have just flown by. I went to the hospital on Monday to meet with a lactation consultant and Colton weighed 7 lbs 14 oz! He's getting to be such a big boy already. After visiting the hospital yesterday, Colton visited Mommy's schools where she works. There were so many people who loved on him! It was the first official Mommy-Son outing without Daddy...I think I did pretty well! Colton's working hard at holding his head up for little bits of time...we're such proud parents! He's starting to turn his head when we talk to him and he can really focus on our faces! Jeremy has only changed a few really nasty poopy diapers, Colton seems to save almost all of those for me! What's up with that? I'll have to have a little chat with him about that. This coming Monday (8/24) Jeremy turns the big 30! Boy he's old, huh? We won't be celebrating like we used to, that's for sure!


  1. Thats my boy...you see him posing in his new outfit showing off those good looks! I definitly know where he got those GQ looks!

    He really likes getting dried off when he gets out of the bath, and is starting to like bath time more and more everytime he gets in the tub. He wasn't really fussy in the bath, but I think the water scares him!

    We are really happy to be parents, and although each day is different and some harder then others, I wouldn't give up being a daddy for anything in the world!

  2. Dear Jeremy,
    He is a beautiful little boy. There will be happy days and sad days. There will be days that will be easier than others. And there will be days that bring you great joy and disappointment. But, you will find that the greatest joy in your life is being a parent. You have been one of the greatest joys in my life and I am so proud of you. I hope you find loving and raising Colton fills your life as much as you have filled mine. I just know you are going to be a GREAT DAD!
    Love Always,
